Thursday, December 16, 2010

Won't Be Able to Look the Mailman in the Face

I love having boys…I really do. I recently purchased really cute t-shirts for the boys and for Sweetie Pie and I decided I wanted to try to find a cool mom t-shirt for me. There's that has some adorable shirts for moms with sons, and then there's which I absolutely love (and I totally want one for Christmas….*ahem, Sweetie Pie*). Being a mom to sons totally rocks…however, all of that energy and excitement and creativity can put me in an awkward position sometimes.

For instance, a few days ago, I was in the backyard and noticed the tie to my bathrobe hanging from a tree as a makeshift Tarzan rope. "I should grab that," I thought, knowing full well I'd need it. But one of my little pies beckoned, and I ran off without plucking it down from its perch. And boy did I need it this morning. You see, our mailman doesn't leave packages on our porch, due to a problem with stolen packages we experienced over a year ago. (Short story: I was writing a blog about Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern, and some young hoodlum decided to steal what he thought was going to be a package full of good stuff, but really it was a box from the Travel Channel with a few packages of chocolate covered crickets. Serves him right…punk). This morning, as I was getting ready for work, the doorbell rang. I panicked. I was wearing only my bathrobe, and I thought for a moment about not answering at all, but I knew if I didn't, I would have to go to the post office tomorrow to get the package, and I didn't really want to do that because the post office is ca-razy right now since Christmas is next week. So I went for it. I held my bathrobe closed and opened the front door, but as I went to open the screen door, our dog, Perry Pie, started to bark and jump, so I was trying to open the screen door, hold Perry, and get the packages in my hands, all of which left me with no hands to hold my bathrobe closed. Suffice it to say, if getting flashed was on the mailman's "To Do List" today, he could have marked "Task Completed" at 8:30 this morning. Only afterward, I thought to myself, "You could have just told him to leave it on the porch…you idiot." Not only did I feel humiliated, I also felt stupid.

Obviously, if my sons didn't use my things as swinging devices in the backyard, it would have saved me some embarrassment, but I truly love to let them experience life the way they want to experience it. Right now, they are using leftover fence planks in our backyard to create opposing forts, and I adore the creativity that they have shown in their play. Being a mom to my little boys is interesting, hilarious, exciting, sometimes scary!, and it just fills my heart knowing they are growing through these experiences. I am so lucky to have 3 little men to love on, and to teach, and to model a happy marriage to so that when they grow up they will be wonderful husbands just like their father.

Now, I really need to go find that bathrobe tie...

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