Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ahh...Mother's Day

Handwritten notes and handmade cards decorate my living room. My three boys know just how to make me feel extra special on this day. Yesterday, my hubby surprised me with a gift certificate to a very nice nail salon that pampered me with a deluxe mani/pedi. We then dropped the kids off for a fun sleepover so that we could be alone, and had an exceptional meal. We've always wanted to try to cook lobster at home and we didn't realize just how freakin' easy it is!

We'll definitely be doing this more often...or, at least when the budget allows for $25 on one pound of meat.

Today, we went to breakfast and then took a drive to check out our campsite for our camping trip that's coming up next month. (I actually asked my husband for a camping chair for Mother's Day, but he said he wasn't walking into that one and got me the spa treatment man.)

The rest of the day has been spent lazily lounging on the couch, watching TV shows from this past week and napping sporadically. Clint and the boys made a yummy turkey and gouda melt, topped with spinach and sauteed shallots.
Luke made the drinks.

Beau passed out the plates.

And Jack set the table with silverware (despite the number of forks on the table, it was just the 5 of us...).

Its been a fantastically relaxing day, and I feel so incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful family.

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