Monday, January 19, 2009

Oh, No! Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday!

If you read my previous post, you would have witnessed my gushing over what a wonderful husband I have, and how I have been working very hard to be the best for him. Well, let me begin this "Not Me! Monday" with my head hung in shame.

Currently, there is not a battle of wills going on at my house.

I do not go into my bathroom and find the toilet paper in this condition.

In aggravation for being the only person who replaces the toilet paper in the entire house, I do not remedy the situation by doing this...

Which aggravates my Sweetie Pie, who corrects it by doing this...

But, in retaliation for my not half-completing the task, he does this as well...

And even though there is a trash can directly under the toilet paper holder, we are not in a standoff, and we are not refusing to give in until the other realizes HE is wrong and throws all of the empty toilet paper rolls away...

Additionally, I did not encourage my son to take this picture at Lowe's yesterday...



Clickin Mama J said...

Oh my gosh! I love it! To funny! I saw the flylady link on your blog too. Gotta love her! I wonder what she would say about he toilet paper rolls.... lol

Anonymous said...

Some how these happens at our house when I work late or have some where to be. Never when I am home. hmm?

This picture of your son is priceless!!!

Rachel said...

Love the picture of your son!

And the toilet paper roll thing could happen in most any home in America! :)

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